Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cloudy Thoughts

Have you ever had one of those days where your thoughts are clouded? Whatever is with that? Some days I'm going a mile a minute with ideas and thoughts just sparking everywhere and other days, like today, the sparks have been smothered by the clouds! Maybe the head just needs a rest!

Usually when I feel like this, I check my biorhythms. So my biorhythm today says I'm passive physically and emotionally and only slightly active intellectually. So how depressing is that? It pretty much is saying my overall well-being is not good today. My physical energy is gone and my emotional energy wants to hide out in a corner and get this.....if I need to get some work done I had better do it within the next 10 days while the gettin' is good!

Oh well! I guess I'll go watch a little TV and see if it gives me any intellectual inspiration because the physical and emotional side of me just can't handle the intellectual part today.

picture was taken overlooking the Roman ruins in Rome, Italy

1 comment:

  1. Love the image that you've used ! it's quite serene and ironic at the same time !


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