Friday, October 3, 2008

Finding Your Roots

I've been thinking about pulling out all my old research and continue to work on my family tree. It was really a lot of fun when I was doing it, but I got "burned out" after a year. I did quite well and got great information on my maternal side. And, the best part was all the information I got from a second cousin. I also have a lot of "stories" that I got from a family member that made the search even more fun. I was very fortunate to get copies of items such as baptism certificates that have since been destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. The church was completely destroyed in Bay St. Louis, MS.

If you have the urge to find your family history, I strongly suggest their is no time like the present. I wouldn't have the great pictures and stories I have today due to a natural disaster if I hadn't followed that urge. It all started with a simple search of census records. If you like a challenge, this is a great project!

Picture: My mother's grandmother (French, Choctaw and Italian)

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