Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hats, Hats, Hats!

When I was a little girl, I remember my mom dressing us up for Easter like we were royalty. A dressmaker made dresses for my sister and I for this main event. Along with the extremely frilly dress went a hat, pretty white shoes and socks and sometimes gloves and a small purse. Wow! is it any surprise I'm interested in fashion and accessories? The hat was a necessity for Easter, as we were Catholics, and females could not enter church without a scarf or hat. And you know, that probably was the single most memorable thing to me about Easter - wearing a hat.

What happened to the importance of hats? Even men looked extremely dashing in a Fedora didn't they? My grandfather always looked important to me because he always had a great hat on when he came to visit. Now men only seem to wear baseball caps.

When I was in Paris a few years back, we went into this really wonderful store with the most glorious hats that no one in America would wear except maybe once to the Kentucky Derby. My friend and I tried on the many different hats and the french ladies giggled at us because they knew as we knew, they looked ridiculous on us. I just can't wear a hat and I love hats! It's so unfair!

There are groups of women here in America that call themselves the Red Hat Ladys and wherever they go they wear red and/or purple hats. What's really interesting when you see these ladies, is that they truly enjoy wearing the hats no matter how silly they may look.

I really enjoyed wearing that Easter hat and hope someday I can find a hat that truly looks good on me and I can wear with confidence and flair just for this special occasion!


  1. I like hats too but the last one I wore was at my wedding.

  2. OH wow, I thought I was reading about me! Every Easter there was a special outfit made to wear to church and grandmothers' house. And, I love the hats too! I can't wear a hat and look stunning...even a baseball cap looks funny on me. Great story!

  3. Very nice blog and I love your comments on the hats. Thanks for taking the time to look at mine and I wish you all the best
    Take care
    Enyaeire :)


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